March 3, 2010

Mr. Fantastic

So today at school, a boy in my class said 2 things that made me laugh out loud. He is such a charismatic kid...
I asked him to grab the paintbrush from across the table and he said, "I don't have super stretch arm Mrs. White. I mean, I'm not Mr. Fantastic." I don't know why it was so funny to me, but it was. Later in the day, I was giving my class a pretty firm lecture about taking care of materials (after I found a center set strewn ALL across the floor and lidless markers laying around as well). I was trying to remind them that someone spent money to provide those things for our classroom. I asked them how their parents would feel if their child could not go onto 3rd grade until they paid a bill for damaged materials. The little boy raised his hand, with the most serious expression, and told me, "My parents don't like bills. I think it is something that runs in our family... no one likes getting bills in our whole family." HAHA!

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